Unlocking the Best-Kept Health Secrets of Organic Japanese Sencha

Organic Japanese Sencha

Type the words ‘Green tea’ in any Google search and you will be overwhelmed quickly by the  plethora of information touting a series of benefits; a miraculous weight loss drink, cure for cancer and secret to immortality. Following here are some of the most amazing things this antioxidant-green and favorite drink has to offer.

Energy booster

Organic Japanese Sencha contains caffeine, though it’s only one third of half of the total amount of coffee present in a cup and L-theanine, which is a scarce amino acid that releases an anti-stress effect. The L-theanine and caffeine combining together offers a sense of total alertness and calmness.

Skin saver

It’s being seen to have a myriad of positive effects on skin, thereby helping you to stay vibrant, clear and youthful. Sun protection which, works from the inside out, thereby protecting against sunburns and neutralizing the UV light. The pile of antioxidants present in this tea is helpful for reactivating the damaged and dying cells, thereby reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Moreover, Epigallocatechin-3-gallate, an antioxidant helps in fighting against acne, inflammation, rosacea and various other skin conditions.

Metabolism booster

Sencha comes with a myriad of thermogenic properties, thereby helping in raising the metabolic rate while increasing fat oxidation. The term Thermogenesis means the body’s ability of producing heat which, further helps in burning calories. Thus, the more calories get burned, the more heat will be produced.

Freshening up

Disease fighting antioxidants, Catechins are present in huge proportion in the composition of green tea. It aids in killing oral bacteria which, causes tooth decay and bad breath. Thus, you can try for some green tea mints and steep up some freshness after lunch.

Staying healthy

Catechin, which promote cellular repair is one of the major sources of health benefits which, is helpful for anti-aging, disease prevention and much more.  With a myriad of antibacterial and antiviral properties, it offers a boost to your immune system, protecting against the colds and flu and killing germs which, enter through the mouth and nose. Organic Japanese Sencha also minimizes the risk of other serious conditions like high blood pressure, blood clots, Alzheimer’s disease, heart diseases and many more.

This long list of benefits of Organic Japanese Sencha can go on forever. However, it’s pretty easy to observe that its regular consumption will help you to become a calmer, healthier and even better looking person. Simply whip up a cup of green tea latte or pop up few green tea mints and dive into the wellness of this nutrient-powered superfood.


Chia Seeds: The Powerful Tiny Superfoods to Promote Weight Loss


Are you in search of some nutritious foods that promote weight loss? Being tiny, chia seeds can serve as the ideal choice in terms of health benefits. It’s being considered as one of the best ways to lose weight however, it is important to know how it actually helps and how to eat them.

Facts about nutritional value of chia seeds

One serving of chia seeds (28 grams or 1 ounce) contains near about 137 calories. The amount of fat present in it is just around 9 grams. Dried chia seeds is considered to be a good source of dietary fiber and manganese. Other health benefits this superfood for weight loss involve:

  • Very low content of cholesterol
  • Very low content of sodium

So, how these facts can aid you to promote weight loss?

Potential of Chia seeds to promote weight loss

Can chia seeds aid in promoting weight loss? Make sure of the fact that if you are looking for something carb snacking, then it is safest to consume chia seeds to cut down the weight gain problems. It is so because they come with a rich content of fiber, which is highly soluble, there helping you to cut down excessive weight.

  • Chia seed diet comes with a bundle of brilliant cholesterol minimizing properties.
  • While consuming chia seeds, fat absorption reduces on a significant level.
  • The soluble fiber makes you feel full, thereby preventing you to feel hungry and not compelling you to eat often.

How to consume chia seeds for weight loss

After getting to know about these potential benefits, you might have been thinking about how to use chia seeds for weight loss? Well, here’s the answer to it.

  • Add 2 tbsps of whole or raw grains into one glass of drinking water.
  • Stir them well
  • Allow the whole to settle down for few minutes
  • Drink the preparation once it’s being swollen because of rapid water absorption.

This in turn helps you to feel full for a longer period of time, thereby preventing you to eat more. Generally, it will minimize the chances of unnecessary calorie intake when you feel hungry, thereby assisting you to lose weight effectively.

5 Common Mistakes to Avoid While Cooking White Quinoa

Quinoa has came a long way in these last few years from the back shelves of food stores to the supermarket aisles. Its nutty and sweet flavor, high protein content and delicate texture have made it a popular alternative for starchier rice and pasta.


However, most people face trouble while pronouncing quinoa (spelled as KEEN-wah), however, many others face it while cooking them. Even, the preparation process can prove to be a little bit tricky for some. Addressing this concern, here we have talked about the common mistakes which, people do when cooking quinoa.

Misidentifying it

The most common mistake people make with quinoa is considering it as a grain. It’s actually seed of a crop which, mostly is being considered as a grain and is related to beets. Though, it’s not a cooking tip as such, but it’s important to know what you are considering to eat at all times.

Cooking it right from the package

You need to rinse it well. Quinoa comes with a bitter coating which, needs to be rinsed away properly. If not done, it will taste a bit different which, might not be prefered by you. And while rinsing it off, use a fine mesh strainer which, will allow you to hold those tiny seeds while getting disappeared from the drain.

Overcooking it

Mushy Quinoa is not liked by people as such. Thus, you need to combine 1 cup of quinoa with 2 cups of water in the medium saucepan. Bring it to a boil. Cover them, reduce heat to low and cook while the flame is in sim for about 15 minutes.

Not draining it before dressing

Quinoa holds ample amount of water and so, you need to be sure of draining it properly after it’s being cooked. If not done, it will result in the entire preparation to be watery. Moreover, keep note of the fine-mesh strainer once again.

Skipping the Resting/Fluffing Stage

Return quinoa to the pan after it is being drained and then cover and sit for around 15 minutes. Keep the quinoa in the hot saucepan after it’s being boiled or cooked so that, you don’t need to consume with wet/clumpy quinoa.

This popular nutrient-powered superfood comes with a myriad of health benefits all of which, signify its high nutritional value. Thus, keeping the aforesaid points will certainly help you in preparing white quinoa in the right way, thereby consuming it at its best.

Lead a Healthy Lifestyle with the Goodness of Organic Stevia

Sugar consumption is one of the major reasons for the growing weight loss problems these days. This has led to the launch of a myriad of artificial sweeteners in the market, which certainly come with their own pros and cons. However, most of them are not considered to be the ideal choice if you are about to consume them for a long time.


Well, switching to organic stevia can serve as the perfect choice which aids in lowering blood pressure, promoting weight loss, reducing blood sugar, building strong bones, protecting oral health and many more.

Nutritional value of Stevia

Stevia is valued because of its sweet leaves along with its ability of replacing sugar in your diet. Along with it, stevia also host a wealth of antioxidant compounds like triterpenes, flavonoids, kaempferol, caffeic acid and quercetin. This plant also comprise of protein, fiber, potassium, iron, sodium, magnesium, vitamin A and C. The small organic compounds present in this plant play a significant role for the varied health benefits of stevia.

Diabetic control

One of the most important aspects of organic stevia is its ability to control the blood sugar levels in the body. Alike sucrose, stevia sweetens food in the very same way as sugar does, however, stevia contains stevioside, a non-carbohydrate glycoside compound. This is a perfect replacement of sugar for diabetic patients and people on carbohydrate-controlled diets.

Weight loss

This ingredient is very low in calories which, is anywhere from 40 to 300 times more sweet than sugar, thereby depending on the prevalence of some extracts in the species variety. Thus, now you can easily consume cakes, candies and cookies made of stevia without worrying much about putting excessive weight by gaining calories from sugar.

Blood Pressure

Stevioside is a form of glycoside, however, there are various types of other glycosides present in stevia which, can actually aid in relaxing the blood vessels and facilitating the elimination of sodium present in the body. This leads to a significant decrease in the blood pressure that promotes sound heart health, thereby preventing certain conditions like heart attacks, atherosclerosis and strokes.
Organic stevia is considered to be unique compared to other alternatives because of its wide range of health benefits. Thus, if you are one of those trying to cut down your regular sugar intake, then stevia is the right choice to rely on.