Add Organic Unroasted Cacao Powder to desserts to shoo away the blues!

A year back, whenever my sunny mood deserted me, I found myself reaching out for chocolate. I sought chocolate out in the form of bars, shakes and cakes. But the result wasn’t always flattering to my figure – from a yoga-toned body I developed a tummy and wider hips. It was like being caught between the devil and the  deep blue sea: if I had chocolate, I grew plump, and if I didn’t have it, I experienced unbearable cravings and low spirits. Then, due to the recommendation of a friend,  I discovered Organic Unroasted Cacao Powder!

Cacao Powder is different from cocoa in the way it is made. It is an healthier option than the cocoa found in ordinary chocolate. The process begins with the highest quality organic raw cacao beans and cold pressing them to make a dark brown paste called chocolate liquor. The liquor is cold pressed at 112 degrees F (sometimes even lower) to separate out its fat (cacao butter). What remains is a “cake” (also known as cocoa solids). This part is then cold milled to become organic, truly raw unsweetened cocoa powder.

A few of the ingredients of cacao powder, mentioned briefly below, are the following:

  • Magnesium
  • Polyphenols
  • 100% Cacao

These ingredients have numerous benefits. For example, the rich flavonoid content of raw cocoa and the relatively rich flavonoid content of some chocolates and cocoas. Flavonoids are part of a large and diverse class of phytochemicals called polyphenols. Several thousand flavonoids exist in substantial amounts in common plant-based foods, such as tea, chocolate, cocoa, soybeans and wine. Research in the last decade has suggested that some flavonoids might protect against certain chronic diseases, especially cardiovascular disease.

Organic Unroasted Cacao Powder

Other health benefits of Cacao:

  • Cacao contains more antioxidants per cup than wine or tea! The protective flavonoids in organic cacao powder can protect cells against damage by free radicals.
  • Cacao also contains anandamide which leaves us feeling blissful and elevates our happiness levels.
  • Cacao powder is a brain food. The journal Neurology published preliminary research suggesting that cacao may improve cognitive function and the flow of blood to the brain.
  • Cacao is one of the richest food sources of magnesium, which aids over 300 chemical reactions in the body. Magnesium supports everything from cardiovascular function to bone health. A one-ounce serving of cacao powder contains over 30% of the Daily Value (DV) for magnesium.
  • Cacao does not affect weight the way ordinary cocoa does.

The suggested uses of cacao include:

  • Add to smoothies
  • Use in desserts and baking
  • Flavor sauces and spreads

It is recommended to have one serving per day.

Organic Unroasted Cacao Powder

So, now when I am assailed by the blues, I no longer have to worry about that extra bit of weight. I can simple add some organic unroasted cacao powder to a smoothie, or bake a cake with this powder, and I regain my sunny mood! And I do not worry about my tummy.